Tips for styling short hairs when running
If your hair is a bit above of your shoulders it is easy to do bob hairstyles with a pin or hair bands.
Tips to stop hair from sweating after work out
Regular effective exercise can lead to getting more sweat after the workout. The sweat can easily lead to damage to your hair; you need to give more concentration to dry out your hair after the work out which is very important. Sweating is one of…
Essential tips to protect your hair while swimming in chlorinated water
Swimming is a good activity that relaxes your body; it is the best exercise also. If you are a frequent swimmer, the pool water with chlorine might damage your hair cuticles. It leading to split of hair ends and breakage of hair. To get prevent…
Ways to rock the trend of wearing headbands
Headbands are the polarizing accessory for styling your hair and making a better look for your hair. It is one of the hottest trends to choose from different models. These hair candies are designed for the various occasions and seasons. Basically, hair bands can make…
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Here you’ll find a 360-degree approach to wellness that weaves the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being together, because we believe that these pillars of health are all interconnected.